How to do effective payroll management in startups?

January 31, 2020
How to do effective payroll management in startups?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the present day system, startups are an essential part and parcel of the economic system, and eventually, Payroll has a vital role to play.

There is a lot of Payroll Outsourcing Companies in Indiaand startups generally look towards these companies for an effective payroll management system. As the employee count grows, it becomes more critical for the startups for a sound payroll system. Let us see in detail how an effective payroll system can help startups.

What is payroll management?

Payroll Management means administering and handling employees’ financial data such as salary, tax information, bonuses, and deductions. These include various activities such as tracking attendance, calculating wages, managing taxes, and other deductions, disbursement of checks and payment of employment tax.

How can the payroll management system help startups?

Manual processing and handling of Payroll is a tedious task that is prone to errors. These days there are a lot of payroll outsourcing companies in India that can make your job easier. They can help in the following manner:

  • Reduces time spent on processing
  • Reduces chances of errors
  • Payroll laws are frequently changed and updated. With a professional service, it becomes easier.
  • Managing records via excel, registers, and other such tools can lead to security breaches, which can be avoided with the sound secure payroll system.

Right Payroll Management Options for startups

Outsourcing payroll to some good payroll outsourcing companies in India seems to be the best possible option as it leads to a team of experts managing the payroll process. All the hassles related to tax, evolving laws & regulations, leave calculation, and overtime pay calculation can be automatically resolved. A sound Payroll management system can take care of employment tax deadlines and handle other calculations for avoiding fines and penalties. Nowadays, some providers are also offering online payment management options, which can further reduce costs and enable secure access to records through the internet. Third-Party Payroll is actively associated with startups. It also helps the startup owners to keep track of records online and monitor any history almost immediately.

Let us see some of the features of a Good Payroll system

  • A sound payroll management System is responsible for the automation of Payroll to the elimination of tiresome calculations; everything is done to reduce errors, inaccuracies, and redundancies.
  • They should provide options for hassle-free access to records anytime with just an internet connection. It helps to monitor various activities related to Payroll.
  • Customization of services is another unique aspect of an excellent payroll system. Every startup has a different need and requirement. The payroll service should be scalable enough to adjust to these requirements.

The payroll system in question should be easy to use and install. If it is not, then your employees will have a hard time accessing it. This will ultimately lead to wastage of time, instead of saving it.

The payroll system should have large storage availability to incorporate all the employee records, and also cloud backups is most desirable.


Startups should consider outsourcing payroll management systems as it can save you some resources, time, and, above all, avoid errors. Employee data and payroll records are essential for any organization, so steps are to be taken to simplify and enhance the payroll processes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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