Ways Technology can redefine recruitment in 2020

March 2, 2020
Ways Technology can redefine recruitment in 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Technology is having a major impact on many aspects of the industry verticals and so also on the recruitment process, which has undergone a sea change with the advent of the latest technology in HR.

Today almost everything has changed as compared to the time some 20-30 years back. Workplaces have undergone a sea change too, and mostly everyone has bid farewell to the age-old practices. These days, with the rise of outsourcing culture, Third-party payroll services have gained prominence immensely.

  • Big Data: Big data is influencing HR in a big way. It provides a bigger data influx, which can make the acquisition easier. It gives the recruiters a clearer picture of the candidates. In this age, where a manpower agencyhelps in the recruitment process, Big data certainly has unique importance of its own. Big data also reduces the chances of errors; as such, it has facilitated the growth of Third-party payroll services.
  • Social Media: Social media has redefined recruiting for good. It has been widely used in recent days, especially so in cases of flexi staffing. Organizations worldwide are using social media tools such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to search for potential candidates. Besides saving money, it also helps the companies to develop a personal relationship with the students. Also, it gives the companies a broader pool to search from. Passive candidates are generally more active on social media job platforms, which is another added advantage.
  • Mobile Apps: Mobile Apps are indeed a handy tool these days. Even the Third-Party payroll services are dependent to a large extent on Mobile Apps. This makes sure that everything is under one umbrella. It provides comprehensiveness. A lot of organizations worldwide are adopting this practice as it saves a lot of time, cost, and effort.
  • Cloud: Cloud is associated with data storage and is playing a major role in almost every aspect of the industrial sector, including HR. A major concern is storing data, for many obvious reasons such as security, availability, storage space, etc. Cloud Storage has helped the recruitment processes by making them more comfortable and safer. It helps to protect an enormous amount of data in a secured mode that is essential for smooth functioning.
  • Direct Sourcing: As organizations are moving away from traditional sources of recruitment, direct sourcing platforms are gaining popularity. Direct sourcing platforms are used on a large scale by almost any manpower agency that serves the needs of corporate houses. They can provide quality referrals, which is an added advantage.
  • Chatbots: These days, candidates are using chatbots to talk to their candidates. Automated messages and interactions are generally done through chatbots. Nowadays, chatbots are helping organizations to refine the recruitment process and get quality candidates.

As technology keeps progressing, the process of recruitment to makes a move for betterment with each passing year. The year 2020 holds new promises for the HR sector and the Staffing industry in particular. Staffing industry will have unique challenges and will attain greater heights of success with each passing year as technology grows and develops further.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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