Adapting to the New Normal – A Guide for Managers

June 15, 2020
Adapting to the New Normal – A Guide for Managers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]           The CoVID-19 crisis has affected the way organizations view and do business globally. Companies and employers have had to ensure that their workflow and processes remain unaffected. Newer systems have been implemented that have enabled employees to continue delivering quality output that remains relatively unaffected by the CoVID crisis. There will be a new normal in HR services as well. Managers will have to look at areas that were not paid the same level of attention they previously were before. There will be a new set of challenges that managers will face with regards to their employees and the new normal of the workplace. Some measures that HR managers can employ to handle the new normal include:

Sanitation and Safety

           Sanitizing workplaces in the face of the CoVID crisis has become a priority. Managers can ensure that the entire workplace is sprayed with disinfectant and cleaned thoroughly. They can also place hand sanitizers and alcohol-based hand washes at accessible points for employees and replace them regularly when they run low. Managers must also look at rearranging workplaces so that there is a minimum of at least a meter between workspaces, cubicles, and people to maintain physical distancing.

Regular Health Check-ups

           Understanding your employees’ health conditions and having regular check-ups and screening systems at the workspace is a step ahead in the right direction. A complete medical history of any employees’ pre-existing conditions is a way for managers to monitor the well-being of their employees and bring in medical interventions.

Psychological Help

           Given that employees have spent the last few months indoors, adjusting to a new normal at the workplace could pose some challenges. Employees might struggle to adapt or to adapt to a new routine of going back to work daily. Managers can look to empower their employees by putting them in touch with mental health experts and resources to ensure that they feel mentally safe in the workplace.

Minimizing Travel

           Given that the post lockdown phase is approaching and has even begun in many areas, employers and managers must realize that physical distancing is not enough to combat the spread of infection. Minimizing travel as unnecessary for employees is another way to ensure that employees’ safety comes first before everything. In unavoidable travel, managers will have to provide the most hygienic and sanitary modes of travel, all for the protection of their employees.

Remote Work and Outsourcing

           Remote work and work from home preparations are becoming more popular in organizations around the world. In a 2019 survey by Airtasker, researchers, from a sample of 1,004 full-time employees out of which 5050 people worked remotely, found that working from home eliminated their daily commutes, thereby increasing productivity and led to healthier lifestyles.

           Another way managers and employers can handle the workload they will inevitably face when employees begin to come back to work is by taking the aid of HR outsourcing services. HR outsourcing services can manage specific HR processes like payroll management, attendance, and leave tracking and maintenance of documents and audits. This will provide some respite to mangers who are themselves coping with the needs of the new normal post lockdown.

           As managers will look to get back to work and ensure the best for their workforces and organizations, they will also be looking at staffing solutions in India for temporary and even permanent hires as businesses have been adversely affected. It will be a slightly difficult road ahead for managers who will be facing many more issues as employees return to workplaces and meet the new normal.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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