Payroll Solutions– A Crucial Component for Retail and E-Commerce

October 23, 2020
Payroll Solutions– A Crucial Component for Retail and E-Commerce

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The retail and e-commerce industry or sectors are among the fastest-growing industries in the world today. A report by the Indian Brand Equity Foundation states that the Indian e-commerce market alone is poised to reach 84 billion USD by the year 2021. India is the fastest-growing e-commerce market and will grow by 1200% in the year 2026. Given the sheer scale of operations, organizations in these sectors will face many challenges, one of them being the management of payroll and another one being compliance.

Payroll Compliance

Payroll compliance or statutory compliance refers to a framework of laws and regulations that concerns their worker’s or employees’ treatment. Given that these organizations employ many people and resources, this framework ensures that the interests of those employed are protected across several areas.

Given that these organizations have a large number of employees to process, this will, in turn, entail managing a huge payroll. The payroll process includes several functions such as handling employee documents, tracking employee attendance, data and progress, benefits, taxation, and so on. This becomes cumbersome to organizations that would rather focus their efforts on areas that propel their growth.

Payroll Solutions

Payroll solutions are third party concerns that take on the payroll processes of a particular client. Given that the retail/e-commerce sector organizations will have trouble processing large payrolls, these dedicated third party concerns can handle that extra load. Here are some of the ways that these payroll services can help.

  • Effective Tracking: Many e-commerce sites have remote employees who may work around the world. Payroll servicescan effectively track these employees with dedicated software as well. It can also help if remote employees work at different times of the day or are located in different time zones. They can also effectively track their attendance and progress.  
  • Handles Compliance Effectively: Given that e-commerce is a global concern, having effective payroll servicescan greatly help. These payroll concerns can handle compliance-related tasks for an organization both at home and even abroad. Choosing a payroll service that handles concerns both at home and operations in other countries can also immensely reduce costs. Given that compliance works differently for each country or state, it might help reduce the management burden.
  • Hiring Processes: For large e-commerce and retail companies, having a Payroll Solutions provider that handles hiring employees is an absolute boon. Whengiven the right criteria, payroll services can help in recruiting the right talent for the organization. These solutions can also extend to finding even temporary or contract workers to fill positions at short notice.
  • Training and Communication: For organizations spread across the world, having a dedicated payroll software and the right payroll servicescan prove to be the edge over their competitors. For instance, they can be used to communicate directives from the company to their employees worldwide, ensuring that employees are always kept in the loop. They can also ensure that training programs can be conducted according to certain standards. This will ensure that employees are still up-to-date with anything, ranging from SOPs to compliance-based activities across the organizations.
  • Analytics and Reporting:  Analytics and reporting are a major component of any business. With the right third-party concern, organizations can stay ahead of their competition. Information can be collected at the behest of the client. This information can then be analyzed, and reports can be generated frequently. Organizations can then use this data to inform their future business decisions and plot a future course.


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