Employee Life Cycle Management

September 19, 2019
Employee Life Cycle Management

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInUp”]The employee life cycle is the different stages that an employee goes through during their time in an organization. This Blog gives an overview of employee life cycle management.


The first step in employee life cycle management starts before the organization even employs them. Hiring the right people is a very crucial part of business development. HR must have a strategic recruitment process for the same. These are some of the factors that you must keep in mind for attracting a good worker.

The compensation package should be competitive enough to attract top talent. The roles and responsibilities for each position must be documented.


On-Boarding is the second step in employee life cycle management. This is the place where the new joiners will decide how long they are going to stay with the company. Usually, in the first 90 days, the employees decide whether they are going to quit or not. This is very crucial as an employee becomes a member of the company’s workforce through learning new job roles, establishes relationships with his co-workers and supervisors and developing a niche.

Career Development

Every employee has become very conscious about the career path that is there in the company these days. Hence, career development has become a significant factor in employee life cycle management.

The employees want to climb the ladders of success quickly and secure a place for themselves in the company. Career development strategies are an excellent way to keep the top talent engaged. It is therefore essential to discuss the career goals in the initial stages of the interview. This helps to make sure that the person’s goals are realistic and align with the purposes of the company.

Regular performance reviews can help employees to know how well they are doing in the organization and how near are they towards their goals. For most businesses, employee turnover is a serious issue. Having a high turnover can impact your company and hamper things such as productivity, revenue, and employee morale. Employee happiness can be increased by having good insights as to why the employees are leaving and how you can improve things.

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is another fundamental aspect of employee life cycle management. Maintaining employee happiness is the key to building a loyal and happy team. Good employees always desire to be classified and rewarded. You can find out the jewels present in the workforce by performance reviews. Start rewarding the workaholic and truly productive employees. This will undoubtedly create a conducive working atmosphere in the organization.

Off Boarding

Off Boarding is when the life cycle of an employee comes to an end with the organization. Employees may leave due to various reasons. It is important the companies must have a very well defined off-boarding procedure as an onboarding one. It is the job of the HR to see that the employee who is leaving the organization must not exist in a way that disrupts the entire organization. Documented processes and procedures will help the proper off-boarding of an employee.

All these stages can be handled internally, but managers at all the levels must be aware of the above-mentioned processes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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